


349 Cayuga Drive Mooresville

Visited in 2023

Previously visited: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 (guided tour), 2018 & 2019

Hours--8:30am-5pm Mon-Fri, 10-3 Sat

Wi-Fi? No

Hero Cards?  No

Overview--This shop has changed a lot over the years.  The former viewing area and podcast studio are now walled-off--however, there IS an open-air viewing area in the shop itself (no pictures allowed).  The gift shop is very large, but unfortunately that's pretty much all they have now.  Note that guided tours are available on Fridays.

To See and Do: 2 beyond the viewing area, there's not much else to see OR do.

Accessibility: 2 I've seen the crowds around Junior at races, so it's understandable that they would want to keep the fans at arm's length here. With that being said the "no pictures" policy is somewhat unfriendly.

Gift Shop: 5 wow. Just wow. So much different merchandise here. Plenty for Dale Jr., his various business operations, and his different drivers.

Friendliness of Staff: 4 the clerk at the counter was friendly and apologetic for not having any hero cards.

Final Verdict--See it, but don't expect too much.

The viewing area is through this door


  1. Email ahead for a FREE shop tour...see the JR Motorsports website for details. It was the highlight of our daytrip to visit many shops.

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