


4400 Papa Joe Hendrick Blvd, Concord--easiest entrance is from Bruton Smith Blvd.

Visited in 2023 

Previously visited: 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019


Wi-Fi? Yes

Hero Cards?  No


Overview--The Hendrick Motorsports Museum (which also houses the gift shop) is one of the best you can visit--there is just so much to see!  The entire history of the team is covered, sharing the building with a VERY comprehensive gift shop.  About the only downside is the lack of hero cards (at least when I was there).  The actual race shops themselves, however, leave a lot to be desired.  There's very little in the 48/24 building to see, and the 5/9 building isn't even open to the public.  On the plus side, you can see pit stop practice for free!

To See and Do: 4 so much to do and see here, particularly in the museum.  The race shops themselves, however, are pretty bare-bones.

Accessibility: 2 with the race shops no longer open to the public there's very little to see as far as how cars are put together.

Gift Shop: 4 so much to buy, so much to see, and so much variety.

Friendliness of Staff: 5 every visit here as been delightful--the receptionist even apologized for the lack of hero cards.

Insider Tip: You can watch pit stop practice here!  They practice between the Museum/Gift Shop and the Team Center.  This is NOT promoted to the public, so you have to know to look for it.  Note that there's no seating or protection from the sun, so be prepared.

Insider Tip: Tuesdays are the best time to go--in fact, there is a team-wide meeting Tuesday mornings, so that's the best time to go if you want to try and meet drivers.

Final Verdict--See it, this is one of the best (but you can skip the race shops themselves).

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